
Nell’ottica del continuo ampliamento e miglioramento dei servizi offerti da TMT alla sua clientela, a decorrere dal 1° maggio 2024 Trieste Marine Terminal S.p.A. ha acquistato il ramo d’azienda di Adria Distripark S.r.l. relativo alle attività di container freight station (CFS).

TRIESTE - È partito dal Trieste Marine Terminal il treno sul primo e unico corridoio ferroviario doganale internazionale in Europa, diretto all'Interporto di Fürnitz in Carinzia, Austria.

TRIESTE - A novembre i volumi movimentati da TMT si attestano a 56.383 teus, segnando un incremento dell’1% rispetto al mese di novembre 2022.

TRIESTE - Trieste Marine Terminal è stata insignita dall’ASUGI (Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina) quale “Luogo di lavoro che promuove salute per l'anno 2023” per la sua attiva promozione della salute e del benessere del proprio personale, che offre l’opportunità di migliorare le condizioni di salute e un invecchiamento attivo.

TRIESTE - Trieste Marine Terminal ha conseguito la certificazione ISO 14001:2015 da parte di Bureau Veritas Italia.

TRIESTE - Il terminal container del Porto di Trieste ha avviato a settembre un nuovo collegamento ferroviario tra Trieste e Duisburg. 

TRIESTE - Il mese di ottobre ha fatto segnare a TMT un incremento dell’16,82% sui volumi rispetto a ottobre 2022, con 69.684 teus movimentati.

TRIESTE -Il primo semestre del 2023 si chiude per TMT con una flessione del 3,2% dei volumi movimentati a piazzale (365.919 teus) rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2022 (378.112 teus).

TRIESTE - Il rispetto delle normative sull’ambiente rappresenta non solo un obbligo ma anche un’opportunità per Trieste Marine Terminal, che nel corso del 2023 e del 2024 ha programmato il raggiungimento di  alcuni importanti obiettivi.

TRIESTE - Salgono a tre le partenze settimanali che collegano il Trieste Marine Terminal a Linz.

Trieste Marine Terminal è lieta di annunciare la propria partecipazione alla fiera Transport Logistic di Monaco dal 9 al 12 maggio 2023.

TRIESTE – Il servizio ferroviario diretto Trieste-Wolfurt, operativo da dicembre 2022 in aggiunta all’esistente single-wagon-system via Villaco, si arricchisce di una seconda partenza settimanale a partire dalla fine del mese di aprile. 

PORTOGRUARO (VENEZIA) – Lo scorso 14 aprile Trieste Marine Terminal ha avuto l’onore di ricevere nuovamente un riconoscimento quale migliore azienda del settore logistica e trasporti del Friuli Venezia Giulia, in termini sia di performance gestionale che di affidabilità finanziaria. 

TRIESTE – Il primo trimestre del 2023, con 185.291 Teu movimentati a Trieste Marine Terminal, mette a segno un +3,3% rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2022, confermando il trend di crescita dello scorso anno.  

A partire dal 13 febbraio il mercato austriaco viene servito da Trieste Marine Terminal con due treni diretti per Linz e due per Vienna.

I collegamenti con l’Austria vengono potenziati con un servizio diretto che da dicembre 2022 unisce il Trieste Marine Terminal a Wolfurt, in aggiunta a quello esistente in single wagon system via Villaco. 

La Tariffa Generale di TMT per il 2023 è ora on line:

La nuova tariffa è in vigore dal 1° gennaio 2023 fino al 31 dicembre 2023.

Il primo dicembre scorso, nella cornice del Palazzo Mezzanotte a Milano, Stefano Selvatici è stato insignito per il terzo anno consecutivo del premio Le Fonti come CEO dell’anno – Innovazione e leadership nel settore della logistica e del trasporto intermodale, per “dirigere l’unico terminal container specializzato a Trieste che gestisce tutte le attività relative alle operazioni terminalistiche marittime, per saper gestire con impegno, passione e senso di responsabilità la sua squadra, e per i continui investimenti atti a migliorare le strutture ed i servizi offerti”.

Traffici in costante crescita al Trieste Marine Terminal nel mese di ottobre - a seguito di un settembre già molto positivo sia per il comparto nave che per quello ferrovia.


Questo il principio chiave delle operazioni Project Cargo di Trieste Marine Terminal, che ieri ha aperto le porte del Molo VII ad una selezione di ospiti del settore, per illustrare le proprie potenzialità anche in un ramo, quello del carico non containerizzato su navi portacontainer, in cui l’azienda si sta distinguendo negli ultimi anni grazie ad un trend in forte crescita. 

Trieste Marine Terminal partecipa alla fase di crescita che accomuna i settori portuali locali nell’ultimo periodo.

Da giugno TMT potenzia il servizio ferroviario su Vienna raddoppiando la frequenza del treno diretto dedicato a MSC, da una a due partenze alla settimana in roundtrip.

TMT conferma la crescita nella movimentazione di project cargo raggiungendo a maggio il record di 23 pezzi movimentati su quattro navi oceaniche.

L'edizione 2022 di BreakBulk Europe ha visto la partecipazione del gruppo TO Delta con la presenza del team commerciale ed operativo Break Bulk di TMT.

Trieste Marine Terminal parteciperà alla fiera Break Bulk Europe 2022 che si terrà a Rotterdam dal 17 al 19 maggio prossimi.

Aprile fa registrare un aumento nelle movimentazioni di contenitori sia nel singolo mese che sul primo quadrimestre dell’anno.

A un anno di distanza dalla prima analoga, eccezionale operazione, le banchine del Trieste Marine Terminal hanno ospitato il varo dello scafo con le sovrastrutture della nave da crociera extralusso Seabourn Pursuit.

Il mese di gennaio si apre con un significativo incremento dei volumi gestiti dal Trieste Marine Terminal: 65.068 teus movimentati a piazzale, +17% rispetto al gennaio 2021.

A partire dal prossimo 14 marzo sarà attivato un nuovo servizio ferroviario che collegherà su base settimanale Trieste Marine Terminal a Busto Arsizio.   

A partire dalla metà di febbraio i collegamenti tra Trieste Marine Terminal ed i principali porti del Mediterraneo si ampliano con una nuova linea di MSC dedicata all’Egitto.

Studi scientifici mostrano che il clima del Mediterraneo sta cambiando le sue caratteristiche: si osservano fenomeni meteorologici più intensi, localizzati e difficili da prevedere.

Ottobre 2021 si è rivelato un mese atipico non soltanto a livello locale ma anche nazionale, se non addirittura globale, svelando risultati inattesi.

Questo è il secondo anno consecutivo che la nostra società viene premiata da ITQF in collaborazione con Repubblica Affari e Finanza per le sue performance di crescita.

Il mese di agosto segna un +8.3% nei volumi (dato in TEUs) movimentati a TMT rispetto ad agosto 2020: continua il trend positivo dei cntr pieni e la ripresa dei volumi dei cntr vuoti ed in trasbordo.

A partire dal 10 settembre, un nuovo servizio ferroviario collega direttamente Trieste Marine Terminal con Ludwigshafen, in Germania. 

Il 6 settembre è stato inaugurato a Budapest il nuovo ufficio di rappresentanza dell’Autorità Portuale di Trieste e di Alpe Adria, che va ad affiancarsi agli uffici già esistenti di T.O. Delta nella capitale magiara e che riafferma il forte legame esistente fra l’Ungheria ed il Porto di Trieste.

Da metà settembre TMT partirà con un servizio ferroviario che collegherà direttamente il terminal container del Molo VII di Trieste al Terminal Tricon di Norimberga.

La Compagnia portuale di Monfalcone è stata ceduta dal gruppo T.O. Delta al fondo per la logistica F2i - Fondi italiani per le infrastrutture, con l'obiettivo di consolidare sempre di più la propria posizione nel settore dei container.

Il mese di luglio segna per TMT un passo importante nel settore project cargo: dopo lo sbarco di due colli da 95 tonnellate ciascuno da una nave portacontainer di CMA-CGM, sono stati imbarcati sulla medesima quattro motori dal peso di 160 tonnellate l’uno; in contemporanea sono proseguite le operazioni di imbarco e sbarco dei container.

Un nuovo servizio intra-MED amplia l’offerta messa a disposizione dal porto di Trieste attraverso le compagnie di navigazione che scalano a TMT.

Risultati in chiaroscuro per TMT relativamente ai volumi movimentati nel primo semestre dell’anno rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2020: i contenitori pieni movimentati raggiungono il +15% mentre i vuoti segnano un -39%, per un totale di 315.381 teus movimentati, complessivamente il -7.5% rispetto al 2020.

L'Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Orientale Porti di Trieste e Monfalcone prosegue nel processo di potenziamento delle infrastrutture a servizio della ferrovia del porto di Trieste.

Per andare incontro ad un mercato con un trend in crescita che ha fatto registrare un picco nel primo trimestre 2021 e che si prevede crescere ancora nel corso dei prossimi mesi, Trieste Marine Terminal aumenta la sua capacità di stoccaggio di container reefer a piazzale, mettendo a disposizione ad oggi 405 prese elettriche.

Nonostante un notevole incremento del traffico su rotaia, con un +8,5% rispetto ad aprile 2020 e un +7% sul periodo gennaio-aprile, le movimentazioni complessive al Trieste Marine Terminal in aprile mostrano un -18,7% rispetto ad aprile 2020, con 45.846 teu movimentati

For the second consecutive year Trieste Marine Terminal has been bestowed with the “Industria Felix” award as the Best Logistics and Transport enterprise for management performance and financial reliability in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

TO Delta, the Group holding 50% of the shares of Trieste Marine Terminal and managing it, has been certified by TÜV SÜD for using 100% renewable energy in all its offices, right in coincidence with World Earth Day on 22 April.

TRIESTE - Twenty-eight project cargoes handled in the first quarter of the year place Trieste Marine Terminal again at the verge of a sector that, for the container terminal of the Port of Trieste, hit its record during 2020.

TRIESTE - Both TEUs handled ship to shore and by train are growing again at the container terminal of Molo VII of the Port of Trieste.

TRIESTE - 2020 has been a remarkable year for TMT, the container terminal of the Port of Trieste, as far as the handling of project cargoes is concerned.

Thanks to the close cooperation among TO Delta, Rail Cargo Operator and Alpe Adria, starting from March 1st, Trieste Marine Terminal strengthens its intermodal network in Austria by adding a second weekly departure of EVO service.

TRIESTE - Container traffic at Trieste Marine Terminal opens year 2021 showing already an upward trend: the month of January has recorded an increase in TEUs by 8.1% compared to the same month of last year.

TRIESTE - The ongoing debate on empty containers availability in Europe reflects a real significant issue for the market.

TRIESTE - The double-digit growth that characterized the last few years is now missing, but Trieste Marine Terminal has managed to keep a remarkable traffic level: 687,921 Teu handled with a decrease of 0.11% compared to 2019.

TRIESTE – The Italian Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Paola De Micheli, confirms Zeno D’Agostino president of the Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea for another four-year term.

TRIESTE – Trieste Marine Terminal has handled 634,561 teus in the first eleven months of the year, thus almost pairing the data recorded in the same period of 2019.

TRIESTE - Perfect balance in terms of volumes handled in the first ten months of 2020 at the container terminal of Trieste port, managed by Trieste Marine Terminal: 577.647 TEUs in total were moved, thus equalling last year’s performance over the same period.

TRIESTE - The first 9 months of the year register a  contained decrease at Trieste Marine Terminal: -1.1% compared to the same period of 2019, totalling 511,267 Teu.

TRIESTE – Trieste Marine Terminal records substantial stability of the TEUs handled from January to August 2020 with a + 0.22%, and 460,000 Teu, a slight decrease compared to the figure of last month (+ 0.99%).

TRIESTE - Trieste Marine Terminal basically confirms the traffic volumes of the first seven months of 2020 in comparison with the same period of 2019.

TRIESTE - Record loading and unloading in the past 24 hours by Trieste Marine Terminal, which confirms the upward trend in the break bulk sector. 

TRIESTE - During the period January-June 2020, Trieste Marine Terminal has handled 44 items in break bulk: an increasing trend for the container terminal of the port of Trieste, which nearly doubles the performance of the same period of 2019.

TRIESTE - The rail connection linking the Port of Trieste to Padova, which is open to the operators of maritime containers sector, was launched on 11th May, just after the first openings at the end the lockdown period in Italy.

TRIESTE - TMT recorded a substantially stable semester (+ 0.11%) at the container terminal of Molo VII in the Port of Trieste. This is a figure that shows the lack of growth, even record-breaking, which had characterized the previous years.

Trieste Marine Terminal has been awarded the Industria Felix prize and bestowed with the Budgetary Performance High Honor as the best company with an international vocation in the province of Trieste in terms of managerial performance and financial accountability.

TRIESTE - Pier VII of the Port of Trieste, operated by Trieste Marine Terminal, recorded an increase by 3.71% of Teu moved in May, compared to the same period of 2019. A slight increase (+ 0.94%) is also recorded for the first five months of 2020. 

TRIESTE – The container terminal in Molo VII, Port of Trieste, maintains its traffic levels, despite the slowdowns of the Covid-19 emergency. In the first four months of 2020, Trieste Marine Terminal recorded a 0.17% increase in moved TEU, compared to the same period of last year.

TRIESTE - Despite the slow-down due to the CoViD-19 emergency, hitting China first and now Europe, the first quarter of  2020 closes for TMT with +1% compared to the same period of 2019.

TRIESTE - Following the actions taken at national and regional level to oppose the epidemiological emergency from COVID - 19 (Coronavirus), Trieste Marine Terminal announces that the port operations under its responsibility as well as intermodal transport services are proceeding on a regular basis.

TRIESTE – In January, containers and trains increased at Molo VII, Port of Trieste.

TRIESTE – Trieste Marine Terminal hits another record in 2019: 3,634 trains handled, scoring +17% in respect of trains performed from and to Molo VII of the Port of Trieste in 2018. Equally remarkable is the 19,7% increase of teus moved by rail in 2019 compared to year 2018.

TRIESTE - During 2019, 688,647 Teus were handled by TMT at Molo VII of the Port of Trieste.

TRIESTE - Having moved more than 632,000 Teu since the beginning of the year, TMT beats last year's record (625.767 Teu in total) one month in advance.

TRIESTE – Logitrans is an international platform with an exhibitor increase of 16% and 158 companies from 24 countries: it is the largest logistics fair in the Eurasian region. The three-day Istanbul Logitrans closed its doors on November 15, 2019 with more than 15,600 participants. A merger of several companies is representing the Port of Trieste as a hub for Turkish traffic and the maritime Silk Road.

TRIESTE - With 60.883 teu handled in the month of October (+12.6% compared to October 2018) TMT confirms its positive trend, closing the firts ten months of 2019 at 577.645 teu (+10.2% compared to the same period of 2018).

TRIESTE - The January-September period closed with a +12.9% and +22.8% in Teu, respectively handled by TMT and moved by rail, compared to the same period of 2018.

TRIESTE – More and more trains at the Port of Trieste: in the first six months of the year both containers and the percentage of freight moved by rail are growing. Slight overall decrease in total traffic, with a strong minus sign for Ro-Ro.

TRIESTE - In the first eight months of 2019, the volumes moved by Trieste Marine Terminal grew by 9.8% compared to the same period in 2018.

TRIESTE - Technology, innovation, environment, society, ideas, business: all this and more will be the focus of “Trieste Intermodal Day - TID” to be held on Thursday, 19 September at Magazzino 42 at the Trieste Maritime Station.

TRIESTE – A record-breaking mooring took place yesterday in Pier VII, Port of Trieste, as the container terminal operated by Trieste Marine Terminal hosted at the same time MSC Genova and Northern Jupiter of CMA CGM.

TRIESTE - During the first six months of 2019, Trieste Marine Terminal shows considerable growth in container handling at Molo VII. The teus moved total 340.696, increasing by 12.3% compared to the same period of 2018.

TRIESTE - During May 2019 Trieste Marine Terminal handled 60.751 teus, scoring +7.42% compared to the same month of 2018.

TRIESTE - A new bi-weekly rail service has been activated in recent days to connect the Port of Trieste to the strategic economic areas of Veneto and Emilia Romagna.

TRIESTE - Trieste Marine Terminal will be present at Transport Logistic, the biggest event in Europe dedicated to the transport sector.

TRIESTE - The total volumes handled at Trieste Marine Terminal during the first four months of 2019 have been more than 218,000 Teu, recording a +14.56% compared to the same period of 2018.

TRIESTE - A new record for the largest container ship capacity ever to enter the Adriatic Sea was marked today when Maersk Hamburg arrived at Molo VII to be operated at Trieste Marine Terminal.

TRIESTE - In the first three months of 2019 the volumes moved via Trieste Marine Terminal grew by 16.7% (161,071 Teu) compared to the same period of 2018.

TRIESTE - The purchase by Trieste Marine Terminal of 11 new reach stackers was concluded in the past few days with the last delivery of vehicles.

TRIESTE - The first two months of 2019 keep the volume trend on the high side. With over 105.000 teu handled, TMT records +33% compared to the same period of 2018 confirming the positive growth in particular of import and export direct cargo.

TRIESTE - Starting from week 14, the new “EVO” intermodal services will link directly Trieste to the Austrian terminals of Wien South, Linz and Wolfurt.

TRIESTE - On March 18, 1719, Emperor Charles VI established the Free Port of Trieste. A "license" that has changed the course of the history of the city and also of the Habsburgempire and of the European markets.

TRIESTE - Trieste Marine Terminal has recently inaugurated a new train to Southern Germany with a weekly connection to Hengersberg, in South-eastern Bavaria.

2019 opens with a new record for Trieste Marine Terminal: TEUs moved in January reached 51.281, scoring a +21,8% in respect of January 2018. Import direct cargo grew by 26% for the same period, while export direct cargo grew by 18%.

TRIESTE - With a growth close to 15% and almost 626.000 Teus, Trieste Marine Terminal established, during 2018, the best result ever in the handling of containers at Molo VII.

TRIESTE - New record for Trieste Marine Terminal in intermodal traffic departing from and arriving to Molo VII of the Port of Trieste: more than 3,000 trains operated and a 49.75% increase in volumes during 2018.

TRIESTE - Effective December 7, 2018 Hapag-Lloyd enhances its Adriatic Service with a new call at Trieste, Italy through a 3rd party feeder operator provided by Unimed, for both East and West trades.

TRIESTE - Trieste Marine Terminal keeps growing in terms of volumes moved in November 2018.

TRIESTE - The concept of security is integrated in the action of all port operators and the observations are only aimed at refining a system of rules and regulations that is already an excellence. This is the opinion expressed by the EU Commission that, from 19 to 23 November, carried out an inspection at the port of Trieste to control the correct implementation - by Italy - of the rules on maritime security, both for the ships and port facilities and for the entire port area.

TRIESTE - MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company launched a new dedicated rail service between Giengen a.d. Brenz and Trieste Marine Terminal, started mid of November 2018 and harmonized towards the ocean services of MSC. This stand-alone solution offers two roundtrips per week with an A-B connection between the metropolitan area of Ulm and the Adriatic, as the fastest gateway to or from Asia and the Mediterranean.

TRIESTE – The answers of the Port of Trieste to the main constraints for an effective volume development in Europe, referred in particular to the Hungarian market, was the main topic of the presentation made by Trieste Marine Terminal during the Navigator Haulage Conference 2018, recently held in Budapest.

TRIESTE – Over a hundred guests, including institutional representatives, operators of the sector and journalists, participated in the event for the presentation of the news of the Port of Trieste, held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Munich and Upper Bavaria on 13 November.

TRIESTE - The Trieste Port Authority is organizing an event for the presentation of the Port in Munich on Tuesday 13th November at 5.00 pm. It will be held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria (B 001 Forum Orleanstraße 10-12, 81669 Munich) with a networking opportunity at the end.
For registration click here.

Additional railway connections with the Port of Trieste made available for the Styrian market is the latest perspective recently discussed in Graz, during the meeting between the operators of the Port and those of the Austrian area.

TRIESTE – A double-digit growth again, in the month of September, for Trieste Marine Terminal. Compared to the same period of 2017, in fact, volumes moved by vessel show an increase of +13.89% with 52,500 Teus moved, while volumes transported by train have increased by +32.5%. 

TRIESTE - Thirty-three million euro to finance the railway infrastructure of the port of Trieste. This is what the European Commission granted for the project "TriesteRailPort", presented last April by the Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea.

The Freight Forwarders Association of the Port of Trieste in cooperation with IC Steiermark is organizing a customer and information event in Graz on October 3rd, 2018, which will focus on the seafreight and combined transport opportunities via Trieste.

TRIESTE - The month of August was again a rewarding month for Trieste Marine Terminal, despite the summer holiday period: volumes handled reached over 52,700 Teus, i.e. +13.4 % if compared to the same period of 2017.

TRIESTE - During the month of July Trieste Marine Terminal handled over 62.000 teu, the highest monthly performance ever recorded.

TRIESTE - Thanks to the partnership among Trieste Marine Terminal, Rail Cargo Operator and Alpe Adria, starting from September 11th (departure from Trieste) the “Bavaria Express” block train service to Munich will increase its frequency from 5 to 6 circulations per week.

TRIESTE - With 56.045 teus handled in the month of June (+12.07% compared to June 2017) the container terminal of Trieste confirms its positive trend in the first part of 2018, closing the whole semester at 303.141 teus (+11,44% compared to the same period of 2017). 

TRIESTE - Rail traffic operated at Trieste Marine Terminal shows a constant increase in the connections, in particular with Central-Eastern Europe. During the first semester of 2018, the total volumes moved by rail grew by +63.9% compared to the first semester of 2017, and represent over 50% of the import/export traffic handled by TMT.

TRIESTE - The partnership between T.O. Delta and Rail Cargo Group – the freight division of the Austrian railways ÖBB - is getting stronger and stronger: Rail Cargo will soon open a representative office in the Port of Trieste.

2M Alliance, faster transit times from Trieste to Far East

TRIESTE - During May 2018 Trieste Marine Terminal handled over 56,554 teus, +23.5% compared to the same month of 2017.

PRAGUE - Approximately 150 operators attended the presentation of statistics and news on rail services at the Port of Trieste, which was held on Wednesday, 7th June in Prague. The success of the meeting laid the groundwork for a development that allows the port of call of Friuli Venezia Giulia to become a gateway to the economy of the Czech territory.

TRIESTE - Trieste Marine Terminal opened its gates to the almost 600 visitors who, on 27 May 2018, took part in the Port Open Day organized by the Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea.

TRIESTE - Trieste Marine Terminal volumes moved in March 2018 overcome 58,500 teu, all time monthly recorded. The first quarter of the year closes with 138,000 teu, +7% compared to the same period of 2017.
TRIESTE - The Port Network Authority of the Port of Trieste has activated new modules of Sinfomar digital system, in order to control the operations and authorizations of railway movements.
TRIESTE - «We want to have a partnership with Friuli Venezia Giulia. The Port of Trieste in the South-South strategy is very, very important».
TRIESTE - Mediterranean Shipping Company announces the introduction of its new Ro-Ro service from Turkey to Italy, primarily aimed at: trailers, containers, project and breakbulk cargo.
TRIESTE - Starting mid-March 2018 Società Alpe Adria in partnership with HGT–Hangartner Terminal will launch a new intermodal connection linking Trieste Port with Verona.
TRIESTE - Since February 14th 2018 a new direct shuttle train from Werndorf is operating to the Port of Trieste once a week. To ensure an optimal timing, the schedule of the shuttle train is coordinated to MSC’s Far East service “Phoenix”.

Dear Customers,
this is to confirm you that since some hours weather improved, allowing us to operate in safe conditions.
Since this early morning a dedicated team started to restore the necessary working conditions for yard, berth, rail, and equipment, heavily  affected by one week of strong wind and very low temperature.
All activities, as already announced, have been resumed starting from today at 13.00.

best regards


Dear Customers,

We are glad to inform you that, thanks to weather improvement, we are going to resume all activities TODAY at 13.00.

 Thanks and best regards.


Dear Customers,

This is to inform you that based on weather improvement expected for tomorrow, we scheduled to tentatively resume all activities starting from 13.00 dd. 27th February.


Thanks and best regards.


Dear Customers,
The following to inform you that Trieste Marine Terminal will be compelled to extend suspension of all operations until Saturday 24th February at 19:00,  due to very strong forecasted winds  which are continuing to interest the North Adriatic Sea area and which are not allowing the Terminal to perform safe operations.
Trieste Marine Terminal will resume operations as soon as the weather conditions will permit it .
Further updates will follow within tomorrow morning
Best regards
TRIESTE - During 2017, 546,660 Teus were moved by TMT at Pier VII of the Port of Trieste. In the same year, volumes shipped and received by rail increased by 47.7%.
TRIESTE -  Trieste Marine Terminal is glad to inform that starting from week 9 a second rail service from/to Burghausen will be available to the market, directly linking Trieste Marine Terminal and KTB terminal in Bavaria every week.
The first import departure from Trieste will be on March 3rd and from Burghausen in export on March 5th.
This new service will be open to every operator and contributes to the offer for the German market that TMT is continuing to expand and optimize.
TRIESTE - For the first time in its history, TMT overcomes 500,000 teu handled in a year. The record has been reached during the operation of MV Grete Maersk on November 30th.
TRIESTE - «We aim to close the year with 600,000 TEU», stated Zeno D’Agostino, president of the Trieste Port Authority. His words well describe the positive trend that is characterizing the traffic of the port of Trieste, with a new record for trains and containers.
TRIESTE - The total volumes handled at Trieste Marine Terminal during October 2017 record a +25% compared to October 2016. Moreover, in the first ten months of 2017, TMT registers a significant growth (+22.4% in Teu) compared to the same period of last year.
TRIESTE - The reliability of the intermodal connections and how to better serve the Hungarian market have been the main topics of the presentation carried out by the Sales and Marketing Manager of TMT, Marco Zollia, in the event organized and promoted by the NavigátorVilág on November 8th-9th in Budapest.
TRIESTE – Trieste Marine terminal has upgraded its terminal operating system to Navis, one of the most modern and efficient software on the market.
TRIESTE - September data of Trieste Marine Terminal confirm the positive volumes trend recorded during the summer. The first 9 months of 2017 read over 410.000 teu handled at TMT, which bring the forecast for the whole year close to 550.000 teu.
TRIESTE – "Hungary is becoming Trieste’s first reference market, as for its Port’s railway container traffic”, stated in Budapest Zeno D’Agostino – President of the Port Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea – highlighting the importance of the two-day presentations of the Port of Trieste within the Hungarian capital.
TRIESTE – From 9th September this year a new rail service has been set up for the Czech Republic which connects directly Trieste and Paskov. At the moment there are one/two trains per week available, which further contribute to enlarge the rail network that TMT already has.

TRIESTE - The volumes of Trieste Marine Terminal, the container terminal of the port of Trieste, confirm the growing trend of the last months.

With a total of 46.866 TEU moved in August, the terminal registers a volume growth of +14% compared to same period last year, resulting in an overall performance in the first 8 months of this year increased by +20%. The volume increase continues to be significantly supported by the implementation of new services and increased rail frequencies offered especially for Central and Eastern European markets.

TRIESTE - Trieste Marine Terminal is going to attend the event, organized and promoted by the Port System Authority of Trieste and Eastern Adriatic Sea, which will take place on September 27th, 2017 at the Budapest Music Center.
TRIESTE - Mascalzone Latino the race sailing boat from shipowner Vincenzo Onorato, was embarked today with destination to the Far East.
TRIESTE – Data from the first semester of 2017 confirm a trend of considerable growth of Trieste Marine Terminal, as for Molo-VII container handling, in the Port of Trieste.
TRIESTE – In the past few days another Chinese delegation, this time the Minister of Transport, visited the container terminal of the Port of Trieste and other facilities in the seaport area. This meeting took place thanks to the 14th edition of the Implementation Meeting of EU-China Maritime Agreement;
TRIESTE - Trieste marine terminal activated a fifth regular weekly block train departure from Trieste to Budapest Bilk and vice versa.
TRIESTE - Authorizations for industrial activities, reorganization of the area based on international trade needs, a certain duty free zone for operators: these are the main innovations of the ministerial decree for the regime of international free zone of the Port of Trieste.
TRIESTE - A total budget of 80 million euro and 15 million of co-financing are the resources available to the Port Authority system of the northern Adriatic for European planning and development.
TRIESTE - The total volumes handled at Trieste Marine Terminal during May 2017 records a +25.7% compared to the same period of 2016. The total volumes moved by rail during May grew by 73.2% (even in this case compared to May 2016).
In particular, international rail traffic keeps increasing the figures with Bavaria (+95%) and Austria (+35%), playing a major role.
TRIESTE – The Counselor Minister of the commercial economic office of the Chinese embassy in Italy, Xu Xiaofeng, has visited today the port of Trieste looking for a 360 degrees collaboration with the Friuli Venezia Giulia territory.
TRIESTE - In April, the total volumes moved by the container terminal of the port of Trieste still record a significant grow (+21.3% in Teu) compared to the same period of last year.
TRIESTE- The upgrading phase of the second crane of Trieste’s container terminal has been carried out in the past few days. Now the cranes are able to operate the new generation vessels up to 16.000 teus, confirming Trieste as one of the top terminal in the Adriatic able to handle such kind of big ships.
TRIESTE – In the first three months of 2017 the volumes moved via Trieste Marine Terminal grew by 12.56% (128,822 Teu) compared to the same period of 2016.
Trieste Marine Terminal, together with the Port Authority of Trieste and other port terminals and logistic operators forming the intermodal and logistic system of Friuli Venezia Giulia, is going to attend the Transport Logistics trade show in Munich.
From May 9h to May 12th a delegation of TMT representatives is at your full disposal at our stand in hall B3, 103/204, to provide information about latest news, planned investments of the terminal, intermodal connections, direct maritime services and improved business opportunities via Trieste. 
TRIESTE – The volumes in Teu moved by Trieste Marine Terminal in February 2017 show an increase of 5.48% compared to the same period in 2016.
TRIESTE - With effect from the first week of April (departures from Far East), the Ocean Alliance service to the Adriatic (CMA CGM - Evergreen - Cosco Shipping - OOCL) will replace the present Ocean 3 service.
TRIESTE – Trieste Marine terminal container volumes in January 2017 record +25.5% compared to the same period of 2016. Following the growing trend already registered in 2016, the number of full containers shows a +35%.
Dear Customers, 
we are glad to inform you that on May 1st our Terminal will switch the Terminal Operation System (TOS)  from the present one to NAVIS. 
Navis is one of the most modern and powerful product currently available on the market and will allow us to improve Terminal Efficiency, Productivity and Flexibility.
The project to upgrade the ‘engine’ of our container terminal started over a year ago, and has requested huge investment in terms of human resources, commitment, training  and finance too.

TRIESTE - A fourth regular weekly block train departure from Trieste to Munich and vice versa will be activated at TMT from February 13th on. The service will maintain the usual A-B transit time in overnight and will operate with following schedule:

Departure from Trieste Marine Terminal: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday at 20.16 and arrival at Munich Riem the morning after at 05.46.
Departure from Munich Riem: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday at 21.23 and arrival at Trieste Marine Terminal the morning after at 07.58.

TRIESTE -  The amount of cargo moved in the Port of Trieste during 2016 shows an increase of 3.68%, with a total of 59.237.293 tons.
VIENNA – Approximately 250 operators and experts attended the presentation of the Port of Trieste held on January 26th at the Italian embassy in Vienna. The event focused on the main strengths of the Port, paying special attention to the new intermodal services and to the high development potential in the European context, being the only seaport in Italy with main focus in international rail connections.

We confirm that Trieste Marine Terminal has resumed full vessel and terminal operations for all kind of containers.  


TRIESTE – A record-breaking year for the railroad volumes at Trieste Marine Terminal with a 26.5% growth compared to 2015. 
TRIESTE - Trieste Marine Terminal closes 2016 with 449.481 teu (+1,26% vs 2015) and 291.386 cntr (+4,7% vs 2015).
TRIESTE – On January 26th a conference entitled “Trieste- Your Rail Port in the heart of Europe” will take place at the Italian Embassy in Vienna. The event, organized  and promoted by the Port System Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea, will focus on the main strengths of the Port of Trieste, paying special attention to the rail connections with Central/Eastern Europe.
TRIESTE – Italian port reform and latest development of the Trieste container terminal: these are the main topics of the presentation made by TMT during the  Navigator Haulage conference 2016 held recently in Budapest .
TRIESTE – In October 2016 a new direct rail service has been activated between TMT and the Czech Terminal of Ostrava. In November, the overall TMT rail connections set a new record for intermodal traffic with +53.7% compared to same month last year.
The two weekly round trip departures to Czech Republic, together with the Dunajska Streda trains, are part of the project developed by the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) in collaboration with Metrans, the leading railroad operator for Eastern European destinations. 

TRIESTE - The 14,000 Teu ship MSC Paloma has docked at Molo VII on December 14th, renewing the record for the largest ship ever to enter the Adriatic Sea. Until now, the record was held by MSC Luciana with its 11.600 Teu, that has been welcomed at TMT last year.

TRIESTE - A new regular intra-med service connecting the Adriatic ports to Alexandria and Damietta is going to be launched by CMA CGM within this week. “Adrimed Express” (this the name of the service) will also include the hub of Malta in order to offer efficient transshipment connections worldwide, also in terms of transit time. Three 2800-3500 TEU vessels will be deployed to operate the service. Following, the rotation: Trieste, Venice, Koper, Malta, Damietta, Alexandria, Malta, Rijeka and Trieste.

TRIESTE - The port Authority took part at the Istanbul Logitrans fair, held from November 16 to the 18th in Istanbul, Turkey.

TRIESTE – The Gate Four (Varco 4) of the Port of Trieste has been activated a couple of weeks ago to connect directly the container terminal to the national and international railway network.

The month of September has shown a strong growth on intermodal traffic for Trieste Marine Terminal, recording a 30,2% increase in traffic compared to last year’s figures during the same month.

The Ocean Three alliance (China Cosco, CMA CGM, Evergreen and UASC) has decided to optimize the rotation of the service, which connects the Far East to the Adriatic.

One of the three cranes, which are undergoing an upgrading phase, has returned to operations this morning at Trieste’s Molo VII dock.

During the last weeks representatives of the Japanese company Yakushima Denko Co. Ltd. and of their freight forwarder, Yusen Logistics Hungary, visited Trieste Marine Terminal from where part of their cargo to Hungary is presently routed.

Few days ago a delegation of Msc Prague visited the container terminal of the Port of Trieste in occasion of the launch of the new direct rail service to Dunajská Streda.

More than 150 operators and experts attended the presentation of the Port of Trieste held in Munich on September 14th. Parallel to the conference a technical meeting between authorities and operators has been arranged to discuss about a customs corridor between the Port of Trieste and Bavaria.

Trieste Marine Terminal container volumes in August 2016 record a +7.26% compared to the same period in 2015. TMT keeps growing also on the full container volumes and cargo moved by rail.

With effect from September 6th 2016 a new direct rail service will connect the Port of Trieste to the Slovakian Terminal of Dunajská Streda. This will be the first and unique connection between  the Italian Port and the Eastern Country.

At the end of september the Orient Overseas Container Line will extend their Mediterranean network to the Adriatic region, calling the Port of Trieste among others.

The total volumes moved by the Port of Trieste in the first half of 2016 show an increase of 4.71% compared to 2015, with 29.436.777 Tons cargo throughput. Port of Trieste: + 4,7 % in the first semester of 2016The strong growth of the cargo moved via rail has been confirmed as well, showing 3.334 trains during the last 6 months (+17,64% compared to 2015).

The Port of Trieste has set a new record for single ship cargo displacement from Molo VII, operated by TMT. The high traffic concentration of the last few days at Trieste’s marine terminal has revealed an excellent performance of its main operating structures.The record for single ship cargo displacement is now updated to 4000 containers (the previous was set at 2600) thanks to a high workflow peak that also created the need to operate new trains for several destinations.

Uncertain market situation and changing scenarios in the Shipping Lines Alliances did not affect Trieste Marine Terminal’s total volumes handled during the first semester 2016. The January-June period closed with a +5,9 % in Teu and +10,1% in containers compared to the same period of 2015.

As you are aware starting from July 1st 2016 will be implemented the new rule of Solas Convention

Chapter VI/2 that requires a Verified Gross Mass for each laden container destined to be loaded on board of a vessel.
On May 5th Italian Authorities issued a decree (Decreto Dirigenziale 447/2016) that recognized the guide lines mentioned in the IMO Circular MSC.1/1475 as practical procedure for new Solas rule. Based on above, Trieste Marine Terminal S.p.A. would like to inform of the following:


New interests for the Chinese market arise from the visit organized by the Port Authority and the main operators, in occasion of “Transport Logistic China” held in June in Shanghai. “Trieste is a harbour with many competitive advantages that we were not aware of.  Considering that it is located on the Silk road, the ‘One Belt One Road initiative’, recently promoted by the by Beijing’s government, can lead to a growing interest by the Chinese investors for the Port of Trieste.”

In the past few days a delegation of Hungarian freight forwarders and representatives of the Shipping Lines visited Molo VII of the Port of Trieste, in occasion of an event organized by Trieste Marine Terminal. The aim was to strengthen the cooperation started last year with the Hungarian market and also to celebrate the launch of the third weekly  rail connection of the Budapest service.

With effect from June 8th 2016 a new direct service will be provided between Salzburg and Trieste. This new service has been developed in partnership with Rail Cargo Operator and Società Alpe Adria S.p.A. and will be initially based on two round trips per week between Salzburg and Trieste without any intermediate stops, thus providing and ensuring a quick and efficient intermodal transport solution for your cargo. Please find in following all operational details:

The total volumes handled at Trieste Marine Terminal during the first four months of 2016 have been more 153.000 teu, recording a +8% compared to the same period of 2015. Import (+14%) and export (+8%) full containers growth explains the positive total performance, with intermodal cargo flows confirming a rising trend compared to last year.

With effect from week 20th, a third regular weekly block train departure from Trieste to Budapest Bilk and vice versa will be activated.

In the first three months of 2016 the volumes moved via Trieste Marine Terminal grew by 6,8 % compared to the same period of 2015. After a slow start in January, the cargo flow significantly increased during February and March. Import and export full container grew by 8% average, showing good signal of recovery even more significant on the import flow.

After the completion of the upgrading of two STS-cranes in 2014 , this week work started at Trieste’s Molo VII terminal for the upgrading of additional three cranes.The total costs of around 12 million euros will make cranes capable of working on ships with 21 rows of containers on deck (so on vessels up to 16000 teu capacity).

A record for train displacement at Port of Trieste where, after 5604 convoys in 2015, a 30% increase is expected for 2016. Trieste confirms itself as a port of call characterized by a high number of intermodal connections, which are essential for efficient and ecological cargo displacement.

The “Ocean 3” alliance announced that Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) will be added as direct port of call on the weekly service to Far East offered by CMA CGM, Uasc and China Shipping from Trieste. The first departure with the direct call is scheduled for March 15th. With a transit time of 13 days the service will improve current possibilities via Trieste to the Middle East region, providing another quick and competitive solution for markets in Central and Eastern Europe.

After the announcement given in November, the rail shunting activity optimization in the Port of Trieste is completed and in operation since January 2016. All shunting activities of the Port are now carried out by Adriafer (a Company belonging to the Port Authority), allowing a significant simplification on the steps required for trains arriving and departing from quays.

On January 22nd, Trieste Marine Terminal has introduced a monthly newsletter. Using as landing website, each edition of the newsletter will provide valuable information on Port of Trieste, maritime services, intermodal connections, private and public investments and more updates on container traffic. TMT's target in producing the newsletter is to share the information about current results and future goals and keep all customers and operators informed about the core business and latest developments of the Container Terminal as well as the Port of Trieste in general.

Trieste confirms itself as first port in Italy for total cargo volumes in 2015, moving 57,16 million tons of cargo (+0,07% compared to 2014) during the course of the year. To confirm this growth, ongoing efforts will be focused on intermodal and railroad traffic.

With effect from December 2015, the Maersk and MSC - Alliance (2M) implemented a new direct call to Yokohama on their AE12/PHOENIX Far East service from Trieste. With a transit time of 37 days in export, the new connection finally offers a competitive and valuable solution for cargo bound to Japan in addition to the traditional Japanese calls. In Trieste, the weekly service is directly linked to the departures and arrivals of our intermodal services to/from Germany, Hungary and Austria in order to provide an optimized total transit time solution for the respective markets of reference.

A new direct weekly rail connection has been established between the KTB Terminal of Burghausen and the Container Terminal of Trieste.

The connection has been established to serve Wacker Chemie AG in Burghausen (Bavaria), one of the major German chemical companies. Wacker will route via Trieste Marine Terminal part of their cargo bound to several Mediterranean, Middle East and Far East destinations.

Trieste Marine Terminal receives the ITALA Italian Terminal and Logistic Award as the Best Italian Container Terminal of the Year. The awards have been assigned during the fair Piacenza Expo, that was joined by main representatives and operators of the logistics and transportation sector. The jury of experts has based the final decision on the special characteristics, steadily increasing performance during the past ten years and ongoing investments plans of Trieste Marine Terminal.

On Monday 27th a delegation of operators from Bavaria visited our terminal. The delegation has been guided by the Shipping Agents and Freight Forwarders Association of the Port of Trieste through the terminals of the Port and had the chance to directly exchange information with the port and rail operators especially about the several intermodal services linking Trieste with Bavaria and Germany.

TMT sarà felice di dare il benvenuto ai partecipanti dell'Open Day 2015 del Porto di Trieste organizzato dall’Autorità Portuale di Trieste assieme a tutte le associazioni di categoria, gli operatori e la comunità portuale.

Per le modalità di partecipazione e prenotazioni si prega di seguire il link:


TMT will be glad to welcome you at the Open Day of Port of Trieste 2015 organized by the Port Authority of Trieste together with port operators and associations.

With 47.044 teu, July 2015 becomes the best month in terms of volumes moved at TMT ever since.
During the first 7 months of 2015, TMT moved a total of 261.970 teu, still slightly less than during the same period of 2014.
July signals, as well as the first part of August 2015 are anyway encouraging, showing a growing trend compared to the first part of 2015.
Further details are available in the statistics section of this internet site.


A new direct intermodal connection has been established between Trieste Marine Terminal and Budapest Bilk. The rail link is designed to enhance the intermodal network from/to Trieste, offering the best possible transit times and connections from/to Hungary to the direct oceanic services currently calling Trieste. 

Trieste Marine Terminal, together with the Port Authority of Trieste and other port terminals and logistic operators forming the intermodal and logistic system of Friuli Venezia Giulia, is going to attend the Transport Logistics trade show in Munich.

From May 5th to May 8th a delegation of TMT representatives is at your full disposal at our stand in hall B3, 103/204, to provide information about latest news, planned investments of the terminal, direct maritime services, possible inland solutions and improved business opportunities via Trieste. 

Trieste Marine Terminal, together with the Trieste Port Authority and a delegation of other port operators, is going to attend the 20th International Exhibition for Transport and Logistics Services and Technologies “TransRussia” in Moscow from April 21st -24th 2015.

TransRussia is the largest international transport, logistics and Supply Chain Management exhibition in Russia and the CIS countries, gathering this year the community of leading transport and logistics professionals from 495 companies and 29 countries.

On April 17th in occasion of the Praha-Trieste cultural days, Trieste Marine Terminal will be in Prague with the Port Authority, terminal operators and freight forwarders.
The event will begin at 10.00 and will be held at the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague under the organization of the Prague and Trieste Freight Forwarders Associations. The guests  will have the chance to be reported about the latest investments, shipping and possible inland options for the Czech Republic market via Trieste. 
Here below the program of the event:

The current shipping industry situation and the necessity to obtain the economy of scale brought the Shipping Lines to the inevitable creation of large-scale alliances: 2M and Ocean3 have been set up, whilst Evergreen strengthened the collaboration with CKYH creating CKYHE.

On Wednesday 18th , with the arrival of the first mega- containership at Molo VII, the 2M service has been launched. Yesterday, the mega-containership has been welcomed by the local authorities, the TMT management and Maersk’s delegates. 
With a total carrying capacity of 116,100 tonnes DWT, 367 meters in length and carrying capacity of 10,100 TEUs, Gerda Maersk is the largest containership ever to call in the Adriatic Sea. The above-mentioned service will weekly involve Trieste, reinforcing the Far East direct service already available via Trieste.

Shipping Industry recent “revolution” brought to the creation of new strategic Alliances among the Shipping Lines: 2M and Ocean3 have been set up whilst Evergreen strengthened the collaboration with CKYH creating CKYHE.
With effect from the third week of February, 2M, O3 and Evergreen Alliances will all serve Trieste with Oceanic vessels able to offer to Italian, Austrian, German, Hungarian and other central and eastern European customers a wide, fast and reliable range of oversea origins and destinations.

With effect from February 18th, a new Logtainer operated intermodal connection will link Trieste Marine Terminal with Bologna (Interporto) three times per week.
Trains will run on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, leaving Trieste in the evening and reaching Bologna in 6 hours.
From Bologna the trains will depart on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to reach TMT around 7 hours later.

With 476.507 teu, TMT closed 2014 recording the highest volumes moved in Trieste ever since.
Export volume growth boost this fairly positive result, whilst import cargo remained basically unchanged compared to 2013.
During 2014, the 30 % of the import/export traffic to/from Trieste has been moved via rail. 
Detailed data are available on the Statistics section of this internet site.

The 2015 shipping and intermodal new scenario to create added value via Trieste for the traffic of the South German logistics operators.
This will be the main topic of the presentation and event that the Port of Trieste will hold at the Bavarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Munich on November 12th .

During September Trieste Marine Terminal moved 36.374 teu, + 1,60% compared to the same month of last year.
The total volumes moved in the first 9 months have been 358.619 teu, + 2,83% compared to the same period of 2013.
Container vessels operated in Trieste up to September have been 515 units, against 534 of the same period of 2013. 
For furher details please visit our web-site at the page dedicated to our statistics.


A delegation of the Municipality of Xiamen and of the Xiamen Port Authority visited today Trieste Marine Terminal.
The visit was part of the program related to the Twinning initiative between the Cities of Trieste and Xiamen as well as the Twinning of the two Ports.
During the delegations’ talks, a Letter of Intent has been signed between the Port Authorities of Xiamen and Trieste with the aim to maintain and further strenghten a close collaboration in promoting the two Ports and activities in the each other areas.

With 237.741 teu, TMT recorded a 1,7 % increase in the first six months of 2014 compared to the same period of 2013.
Detailed figures are available on the statistics section of the site.

After the success of the initiative held in 2013, on June 15th the second OPEN DAY of the Port will be organized.
In that occasion, all the main terminal will be open and the main Port activities will be described and shown "live"  .
For further information and bookings:

5startravels, via Torrebianca 21b, tel +39-040-3225190; mail:

On Tuesday 27th of May the Port of Trieste will be in Wien for the Trieste harbor day in Austria 2014 with a Port Authority, terminals, freight forwarders and rail operators delegation .
Under the organization of the Chamber of Commerce of Trieste, the event will be held at the Italian Embassy in Wien, where Austrian operators, Shipping Lines's agents and importers/exporters will have the chance to be reported about the latest developments of the Port of Trieste, focused on and for the Austrian market.

On April 16th Trieste Marine Terminal will participate at the Port Day at Burghausen.
The important South German industrial area looks for new possible intermodal connections with the NWC range Ports and with Trieste.
A workshop organized by LKZ Prien will focus on these aspects: interventions and presentations will be carried out by Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg  Ports representatives and by Trieste Marine Terminal too.

On April 3rd Trieste Marine Terminal will participate to the Logistik day in Ulm. The participation will be the occasion to meet customers and friends and to build up the condition for a further growth of Trieste Marine Terminal in the area.
Ulm is presently served via Trieste thanks to a 1 per week block train connection departing from Trieste on Tuesday evening and arriving at Ulm on Wednesday morning. The way back departs from Ulm on Wednesday evening and arrives at Trieste on Thursday morning.

With effect from February 11th, a second regular weekly rail connection from Trieste to Milano and viceversa will be established.
The A-A tranit time block train service will be operated by Alpe Adria and it's open to all Shipping Lines and operators.

Here below the timetable.

Further information on

New Time Table from 11th February Closing time in

We are glad to inform you that, despite the very bad weather conditions which hit the North Adriatic region and the eastern part of the Alps during the last days, the situation in Trieste is fine, with no major disruption.

With 458.497 teu and 298.188 cntr handled in 2013, Trieste Marine Terminal beats, for the third year in a row, the previous record of containers moved at the Port of Trieste. The 11,5% increase compared to 2012 is basically due to the very good performance of export and transhipment traffic, while import remains almost unchanged.
Traffic via rail grew by 10% in 2013 and represent over 30% of the total import/export traffic moved at the terminal.

Also this year a delegation of the Port of Trieste participated to the Logitrans at Istanbul. In this contest TMT and the other port terminals presented the services and facilities to the delegates of the Chamber of Industry of Istanbul, to Shipping Lines and to actual and potential customers and operators.

The TMT result of the third qrt 2013 reads + 13,9 % in teu and 12,6 % in cntr compared to the first 9 months of 2012.
The increase is mainly due to the export and transhipment cargo volume rise, whilst import remains stable at the same level of last year.
A very important growth is recorded on the intermodal, with volumes moved by rail up by 16,5% and a pick in Austrian and German cargo.

Updated data are reported in our statistics section.


We are glad to inform all our Customers that starting from October 1st (departure from Trieste) and October 2nd (departing from Ulm) a one per week block train will link Trieste Marine Terminal with ULM Dornstadt terminal. 

The first of the two cranes under upgarading program will be transferred back from the working area to the quay on June 17th, as planned. The crane will be fully operational within the first week of July. The new crane has now a capacity of 20 rows in width and 7 tiers in hight thus becoming the biggest per capacity in the Adriatic. 
A second crane will be under upgrading works starting from the next days and it is planned to be back in operation within September 2013.

The first five months of 2013 closed with a total of 192.505 teu and 123.804 cntr (+15,5 % and 14,2 % respectively, compared to the same period of 2012).
Detailed information are available on the statistics section of this site.


The first five months of 2013 closed with a total of 192.505 teu and 123.804 cntr (+15,5 % and 14,2 % respectively, compared to the same period of 2012).
Detailed information are available on the statistics section of this site.



The new rail network time table to/from Trieste is available on our web site, under "intermodal links" and "rail origins and destinations via Trieste". For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us.

For the first time in its history, the container terminal of the Port of Trieste overcomes 400.000 teu handled in one year.
This positive result in terms of volumes is driven by the good performance of the export cargo and the transhipment, recording a growth compared to 2011.

 With effect from the beginning of December, Trieste Marine Terminal started the works for the upgrading of two of TMT’s quay cranes to “enlarge” the cranes geometrical capacity up to 20 rows width and 7 tiers high.

 The brand new 45 tons 20 meters length MCY65 yacht, son of the prestigious yacht producer “Montecarlo” sailed for the first time ever from Trieste Marine Terminal with destination Shanghai, on board of Evergreen Line MV Ever Uranus on Tuesday 4th.

The operations has been carried with a direct lift from sea with one of the TMT’s quay cranes.

 “We are very satisfied about this first loading and very proud of the choice done by Montecarlo and Monetcarlo’s freight forwarder, Mssrs.Fioravanti”

A delegation of the Port presented the wide range of services available in Trieste to Israely Operators,  Authorities and Institutions on Monday 10th of September in Tel Aviv.

The Trieste delegation focused the intervention on the container transport and handlings opportunities for fresh produce, proposing the synergic sistem of the Trieste operators (Shipping Lines agents, terminals -container and reefer- and logistics operators) as a new possible routing to serve Europe.

The intermodal links timetable has just been updated and it is now available on this web site.

Rail connections to and from all the main Austrian origins and destinations, to and from Munich, Ulm, Giengen, Budapest, Paskov, Padova and Milano are at customers disposal to move their cargo from and to Trieste.

During the first six months of 2012 the total volumes moved at Trieste Marine Terminal have been 205.742 teu (133.334 cntr).
The grouth compared to the same period of 2012 is +18,61 % in teu and 19,47 % in cntr, with a number of vessel operated in the first six months of 2012 at +6,8 % compared to the same semester of last year.

For more information please click on the statistics section of our web site



On June 19th 2012, the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra will hold a Concert in Trieste at the theatre "Il Rossetti" starting at 20.00.

Ital Universo, berthed tonigh at Trieste, is the first vessel of the new UAM service to arrive at TMT. The 5.662 teu vessel is deployed on the new Evergreen Far East - Adriatic direct service together with other 13 vessels utilized on the Service (which call also the U.S. West Coast) .

Partner of the service are Evergreen (vessel operator) Hanjin, Yang Ming and, for Trieste, also MOL.

During the period 1/1/2012 - 30/4/2012 a total of 131.911 teu have been moved at Trieste Marine Terminal, recording a +16,2 %compared to the same period of 2011.

The same data in cntr shows a 17,5 % growth, at 85.360 cntrs.

Detailed information are available in the statistics section of the web site



With effect from April 10th, the rail connetion Trieste - Milano and v.v. is resumed with 1-2 train departures per week.
The trains will be opearted by Alpe Adria with a  weekly connection leaving Trieste every Tuesday at 20.00 and arriving at Milano Smistamento, for the termninal of Pioltello, at 08.30 on Wednesday. The train will then departs from Milano on Wednesday at 23.00 to arrive at Trieste on Thursday at 10.20.

Over 120 people reresenting the main Shipping Lines, freight forwarders and logistics operators working in Bavaria and Baden Wurttemberg partecipated last thurday to the T.O.Delta, TMT and RCA's event in Munich.

With vessels between 5.300 and 6.300 teu capacity, the new direct service operated by Evergreen Line will call Trieste with effect from May 14th 2012.
Together with the taiwanese line, other Shipping Companies will join this new oceanic service: Hanjin, Yang Ming and MOL.
With this new direct link to/from Far East, operators can rely on an additional important option to link the Adriatic Sea with China, Korea , Japan and other main areas in Far East and Middle East.

With effect from February 22nd, a new rail connection will connect Trieste with the area of ULM - Germany. The weekly train will reach Giengen terminal with a capacity of 72 teu and a transit time of 16 hours.

The Giengen train will be added to the already running weekly connection to Ulm terminal Dornstadt.

Updated train timetables are available at the intermodal section of this web site.

393.193 teus handled in 2011 is the new record ever for the containers moved at the Port of Trieste. The 2011 traffic growth reads + 39,61% in teu and + 41,59% in cntrs compared to 2010 volumes. The increase compared to the former record of 2008 is + 16,23 %  in teu and + 15,8% in cntr.

The first direct trains of the new rail services joinly operated by Rail Cargo Austria and TMT (T.O.Delta Group) for Munich and Ulm successfully departed from Trieste on January th10 and 11th.
The TMT-RCA's connection with South Germany deploys 5 trains per week to Munich and 1-2 trains per week to Ulm guaranteeing the shortest possible transit time from the Port to inland terminals (11 hours to Munich and 13 hours to Ulm).

TMT's partecipation to the Logitrans Istanbul recorded a pic of interest on Friday 9th, when a wide attendance to the TMT, MSC and INCI Lojistik 's event has been recorded.
The joint presentation carried out by the three Companies at the Port of Trieste's stand has been the occasion to introduce the latest news about Trieste Marine Terminal and the new services the Lines will deploy from Turkey to Trieste.

Trieste Marine Terminal, together with the Trieste Port Authority, the Trieste Chamber of Commerce and other port operators will attend the Logitrans Istanbul on December 8th-10th 2011.

During the Fair, on december 9th (from 11.00h) a presentation of the Port of Trieste will be held and all the latest information about Trieste Marine Terminal will be provided to the Turkish market .

We will be at Hall 9, stand 312 at the Logitrans Istanbul !

A Port of Trieste’s delegation (Trieste Port Authority, Trieste Marine Terminal and the Trieste Chamber of Commerce) met Korean operators, importers, exporters and freight forwarders Associations and Shipping Lines last week in Seoul. B2B meetings and a general workshop have been organized to present to the Korean market the latest news about the container terminal of Trieste and the Trieste Port developments plan.

The first vessel of the new direct service linking Izmir (Turkey) and Trieste called TMT on wednesday 5th of October.
The service, operated by INCI Lojistik, is performed on weekly basis with the vessel Maria Schepers calling Trieste every wednesday.

With 40.338 teu moved, August 2011 is the best month ever in the Trieste's container terminal history.
Full import and transhipment cntr handlings drive the growth bringing the total moves from January to August at 250.475 teu, plus 29,75% compared to same period of 2010. Details of the monthly performances are available in the "statistics" section of this web site.

The positive volumes trend recorded since the beginning of 2011 keeps going, with July to reach 36.669 teu (the highest cntr volume ever moved in one month at the container terminal of the Port of Trieste ).
The first sevent month of 2011 show a + 21,48% (210.137 teu) compared to the same period of 2010.
Details of statistics are available in the dedicated page of this web site.  

With 36.563 teu moved, June 2011 is the highest month in terms of volumes in the Port of Trieste and Trieste container terminal history.
The total volumes (teu) moved from January 2011 is 173.468, + 18,4% compared to the first semester 2010 and, again, the higehst semester recorder till today.
The total number of vessels calling TMT during the first 6 months of 2011 has been of 339 units, with + 23,3% compared to 2010.
Details of the monthly performances are available in the "statistics" section of this web site.


Information and presentations related to the Hinterport Project Event held in Marseille on May 17th and 18th are now available on

A significant attendance among the Bavarian Freight Forwarders and the Logistics Operators Community has been recorded for the Promotional Event held on May 11th by Trieste Marine Terminal during the Transport Logistics Fair at Munich.

A presentation of Trieste Marine Terminal and the intermodal connections with Hungary, together with the new T.O.Delta's Hungarian office, have been carried out during an "event"  held at Budapest Bilk terminal on March 10th. 
The market appreciated the practical cut given to the event, with T.O.Delta and Trieste Marine Terminal reporting, in a sort of round table with the operators, about the present and future development of Trieste with and for the Hungarian market players.

Being partner of the Hinterport Project, Trieste Marine Terminal will partecipate to the event "Innovative solutions and strategic approach" to the railways and barge business development, which will be hosted by the Port of Antwerp on March 3rd .
The event aims to forster business dialogue between Hinterport Community and transport stackeholders in order to henance the policy, operational and infrastructural dimension of the port-hinterland integration.

The first full block train linking Trieste with Szolnok (Hungary) departed from TMT on Monday evening properly delivered its cargo on Wednesday early morning in Szolnok.

With effect from February 1st 2011 a fourth service to Trieste has been added by MSC to further improve the connection with TMT and strongly speed up the transit times from the Far East and from Turkey.

As far as the Far East traffics are concerned, MV St. Vincente (1513 teus capacity) will regularly and directly link Gioia Tauro with Trieste in  2 days only, allowing the cargo from Far East to quickly reach TMT without any additional port call in between.
Some examples of the new transit times are reported here below:

Up to some years ago the Japanese Line used to be one of the most important carrier calling Trieste. In few days they'll be back to TMT with a weekly service connecting China and Far East with Taranto and Trieste.  

CMA-CGM Berlioz, departing from Shanghai on January 24th, will be the first vessel of the Phoenixian-AE12 service to call Trieste twice a week, with a first call to discharge the import traffic and a second call to load the export cargo only few days later.With this move, the two shipping Lines aim to strongly improve the transit time to/from Trieste, reducing it by almost 1 week compared to the former rotation, optimizing the import delivery and the export receipt.

The developments of the Adriatic feeder network adds a new opportunity for Italian and Central/Eastern EU customers which, since the beginning of December, will have the chance to use Hapag Lloyd services also via Trieste. 
Since the beginning of this month, the German company provides connections to/from Trieste via the the hub of Cagliari.

In collaboration with the Port Authority of Trieste and with a selected number of Port and Logistics operators, Trieste Marine Terminal participated to the Trans Middle East 2010 that took place in Alexandria (Egypt) on November 23rd and 24th. 

The EU project "Hinterport" aims to develop and improve the knowladge about the Ports and Inland terminals integration policy and best practices at European Union level, with particular attention to "green" logistics solution and IT systems development.

With effect form the beginning of October, Evergreen Line will add additional space and will strongly improve their service to the Adriatic area. Ever Summit 0154-027w, with etd Shanghai 06/10 - eta Taranto il 27/10, will be the first vessel of their CES service from China to Med and Europe to call the port of Taranto on the westbound leg.

Yesterday the Prefect of Trieste Dr. Alessandro Giacchetti visited Trieste Marine Terminal.
The Italian Government's representative confirmed the significant interest of its Institution in the developing of Trieste Marine Terminal infrastructure and traffics. A particular focus has been put on the close collaboration between the operators and the institution Dr. Giacchetti represents in order to keep on increasing the competitive position of the Port of Trieste in the international scenario.

With effect from August 1st 2010 the Port Authority of Trieste decided to cut by 60% the Anchorage Tax paid on yearly basis at Trieste Port for the container vessels. The reduction is applicable to vessels over 40.000 tons (gross tonnage) deployed on direct oceanic services, as reported in detail in the “Ordinanza n 56” of the Port Authority of Trieste.

The arrival of the first Hanjin's vessel at TMT has been the occasion for a Korean carrier's delegation to visit the terminal and to welcome the 4500 teus vessel Hanjin Mundra at Trieste. 

"We are very happy to have our first vessel here in Trieste", Mr Cho, member of the board of directors of Hanjin Italy, said this morning. "We strongly belive Trieste can be the natural door for Austrian, South Germany and eastern EU Countries for Hanjin and, also thanks to the very good collaboration with TMT, we strongly work on the market to develop our AAX service via Trieste.

With effect from August 2nd, the renewed Maersk’s Alex service will call Trieste on weekly basis.
The service will deploy three 1000 teu capacity vessels (M/V Magnos, M/V Manarias and M/V Maersk Arun) with the following rotation:
Trieste-Ravenna-Pireus-Limassol-Ashdod-Port Said-Alexadria-Limassol-Koper-Trieste.

With effect from middle July, Cosco's AFS service will tranship all the Adriatic carco in Pireus (instead of Gioia tauro). This move allows the Line to reduce the former transit time to/from Trieste, improving the connections with the mother vessels to/from far east and other origins/destinations. The new rotation becomes Trieste- Koper-Venezia-Ancona-Gioia Tauro-Pireus-Rijeka-Trieste. 

With effect from April 2010 the Cosco’s Adriatic service started calling Trieste Marine Terminal on regular basis.

Thanks to the last months volumes growth and to the efforts carried out by the rail operators, with effect from May 12th the fourth weekly block train connection from Trieste to Villach has been reactivated.

This additional train link (through Villach) further strengthens the connections between Trieste and Salzburg, Linz, Wien, Wolfurth and Graz, thus giving to the Austrian customers an additional tool for their import/export traffics via Trieste.

With the first departure from Pusan on may 30th, Hanjin, Hyundai, Yang Ming and Uasc start a new joint Far East direct service to the Adriatic Sea and Trieste.

Hyundai Supreme is the first ship of the new direct Hyundai, Hanjin, Yang Ming and Uasc’s joint FE-Adriatic service to call at Trieste Marine terminal.

The 4.700 teus vessel berthed at TMT this morning as planned.