Welcome back NYK !
Up to some years ago the Japanese Line used to be one of the most important carrier calling Trieste. In few days they'll be back to TMT with a weekly service connecting China and Far East with Taranto and Trieste.
With the departure form Kaoshiung on December 28th, NYK starts connecting Far East and China with Trieste thanks to a slot charter agreement on the Evergreen "CES" and "ADL1" services.
NYK decided to start developing the Adriatic area again, offering weekly departures with the CES service from Kaohsiung, Qingdao, Ningbo, Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong, Yantian and Colombo. The oceanic vessels will connect the Adriatic service in Taranto to reach Trieste after 2 days only.
With this move a new word-wide player come in the Adriatic Sea offering additional service options for Italian and Central/Eastern Europe customers.