First quarter of 2020: TMT volumes are stable
TRIESTE - Despite the slow-down due to the CoViD-19 emergency, hitting China first and now Europe, the first quarter of 2020 closes for TMT with +1% compared to the same period of 2019.
The short-term forecasts are still uncertain, and fluctuations can be expected in the next weeks and months: the first days of April anyway show substantial stability of the volumes even if a longer period is needed to better understand the real effects of the closure of several factories in Italy and Europe. TMT’s rail volumes are rather stable too, allowing a certain confidence on the overall volumes trend moved via Trieste.
«The situation is not easy and some reduction in traffic is to be expected in the months of April and May, but we are confident in an increase in the following months» commented TMT's Chairman,Capt. Fabrizio Zerbini.