TriBo, a new intermodal service between Trieste, Padua and Bologna
TRIESTE - A new bi-weekly rail service has been activated in recent days to connect the Port of Trieste to the strategic economic areas of Veneto and Emilia Romagna.
TriBO, this is the name of the service, connects Trieste to the multimodal platforms of Padua and Bologna and adds up to the growing intermodal network of the Port of Trieste which can count, in addition to the extensive system of connections to central Europe, on a further service for the internal market. TRIBO, as well as other similar services, bases its efficiency on the competitiveness of the shunting operations within the port hub of Trieste carried out by Adriafer srl, on the TMT terminal dedicated to oceanic containers and the increasing punctuality of the service offered by Mercitalia Rail.
Thanks to this new link, additional volumes will be transferred from road to rail transport, resulting in a reduction in motorway traffic, which is already heavily congested by roadworks and the usual increase of summer circulation.