Weekly double call at Trieste for the Maersk and CMA CGM's Direct Oceanic Far East-Adriatic service
CMA-CGM Berlioz, departing from Shanghai on January 24th, will be the first vessel of the Phoenixian-AE12 service to call Trieste twice a week, with a first call to discharge the import traffic and a second call to load the export cargo only few days later.With this move, the two shipping Lines aim to strongly improve the transit time to/from Trieste, reducing it by almost 1 week compared to the former rotation, optimizing the import delivery and the export receipt.
The new service rotation will be (with double call at Trieste and the skip of Pireus):
Shanghai, Pusan, Hong Kong, Chiwan, Tanjung Pelepas, Port Kelang, Port Said, Trieste, Koper, Rijeka, Trieste, Damietta, Port Said, Jeddah, Port Kelang, Singapore, Shanghai.
The new transit time from China and Far East to Trieste becomes:
Shanghai 26 days; Pusan 24 days; Hong Kong 21 days; Chiwan 20 days; Tanjung Pelepas 17 days; Port Kelang 16 days; Port Said 3 days.