The most reliable route from Trieste to Budapest
TRIESTE – The answers of the Port of Trieste to the main constraints for an effective volume development in Europe, referred in particular to the Hungarian market, was the main topic of the presentation made by Trieste Marine Terminal during the Navigator Haulage Conference 2018, recently held in Budapest.
The presentation, carried out by the TMT Sales and Marketing Manager Marco Zollia, illustrated the features of container traffic focusing on the concentration of volume flows (high peaks at the terminals), on ports infrastructures limits (terminals, gates, intermodal areas, shunting stations), rail infrastructure network and the social and environmental needs.
The traffic with the Hungarian market increased significantly during the course of 2018 along the most reliable route between Trieste and Budapest via Austria, thanks to new rail infrastructures both inside and outside the Trieste container terminal: volumes from January to October 2018 saw an increase of over 55% compared to the same period of 2017.
In general, this shows how the port of Trieste is getting ready for future challenges by planning long-term infrastructure works and also with the utilization of the rail infrastructures of the dry port of Cervignano, always keeping in mind the need to optimize operations to ensure high-quality services.