TMT, new record for containers moved and new trains towards Eastern Europe
The Port of Trieste has set a new record for single ship cargo displacement from Molo VII, operated by TMT. The high traffic concentration of the last few days at Trieste’s marine terminal has revealed an excellent performance of its main operating structures.The record for single ship cargo displacement is now updated to 4000 containers (the previous was set at 2600) thanks to a high workflow peak that also created the need to operate new trains for several destinations.
During the past week alone, 5 cargo trains departed to Budapest instead of 3. A new railway was expressly developed in record time for Slovakia, in to order ease traffic and shorten delivery times to the new destination.
TMT president, Fabrizio Zerbini underlined; “The traffic concentration was properly handled thanks to the capacity and availability of the TMT workforce as well as Deltauno and Minerva Servizi personnel”. “The Port of Trieste has given an excellent demonstration of its capacity, with a workflow organisation that functions as expected and this comes to evidence by the results.” Commented Port Authority commissioner, Zeno D’agostino.