New weekly round trip departure for the Trieste-Budapest rail connection
29 / 06 / 2017
TRIESTE - Trieste marine terminal activated a fifth regular weekly block train departure from Trieste to Budapest Bilk and vice versa.
The new schedule is already active, but further developments are expected: the container terminal of the Port of Trieste, in fact, is already running a sixth weekly departure on spot basis. After the start in 2015 with two round trip connections/week, TMT keeps moving forward with a service that has been widely appreciated by the market. The port of call of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region has been recognized again by the market as an alternative and reliable solution for the Hungarian market.
Here below the new schedule available from week 27th:
Departure from TMT on Monday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday
Departure from Budapest Bilk on Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday