Chinese delegation visits the port of Trieste. Counselor Xu: «360 degrees collaboration»
29 / 05 / 2017

TRIESTE – The Counselor Minister of the commercial economic office of the Chinese embassy in Italy, Xu Xiaofeng, has visited today the port of Trieste looking for a 360 degrees collaboration with the Friuli Venezia Giulia territory.
The vice-president of Friuli Venezia Giulia and assessor at the productive activities, Sergio Bolzonello, at the end of the morning spent in Trieste by the delegation of the Chinese embassy has proclaimed the meeting “very important” also in light of the recent visit of the Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni to Beijing. On that occasion was indicated the prominent role of the port of Trieste about the strategic “One Belt One Road".
During the meeting, has been underlined that today the port of Trieste already dedicates to Far East an important part of his container handlings, so, as Xu Xiaofeng exposed, “we already have a solid base”. The Trieste’ s journey of the Chinese delegation has been opened with an interview with the General Secretary of the Port Authority of Eastern Adriatic Sea, Mario Sommariva, to continue with a visit to Pier VII managed by Trieste Marine Terminal and at the dockyard of the logistics platform, to end at the Region building. “The visit and the meeting - says Xu - left us a beautiful impression. The vice president Bolzonello showed us the sectoral benefits of the Region and I believe that integrating them with the China's economic adjustment policy and with our structural upgrading we will have a 360 degrees collaboration”.
At the end, the counselor minister Xu spoke about “a deep impression of the Trieste port role in Europe and Far East, particularly - observed the diplomatic representative - for the rail intermodality with various European cities, of which - added - we did not have enough impression, but now everything is clear”.