Basic Services

Trieste Marine Terminal provides all the main services of a modern Container terminal. Trieste Marine Terminal’s direct employees personally manage all core activities; only the ancillary operations are left to outsourced personnel and are, in any case, under TMT’s employees coordination.

IMDG containers acceptance
D.G. cargo can be handled in a wide area dedicated to loading/discharging operations. The handling of class 1, class 6.2 and class 7 is not allowed. Furthermore, fumigation and ventilation can be carried out in a dedicated zone.

For Fumigation activity at Trieste Marine Terminal please contact the following Companies: Triveneta Disinfestazioni Srl, Tel: +39 041/4569180 or RADIT, Tel. +39 0422/431334.

Reefer containers acceptance and monitoring
Trieste Marine Terminal provides to its customers 425 reefer plugging points and a monitoring service of the reefer containers conditions and temperature physically carried out by its own personnel 2 times a day.

CFS activities
Stuffing- unstuffing, picking, consolidation, securing, quality control of goods, warehousing, transit and customs operations, handling of perishable goods.